The American Girl® doll or 18" doll is so perfect to sew for. It's similar to sewing for a very small child. The English smocking makes this dress very sweet. Here's a few examples of recent listings on my Etsy shop:
Monica Minto's Workshop
Hi, my name is Monica. Being a freelance artist and designer I work in Ink and watercolor. Also I design fun things with fabric using fancy stitching. You can find my work on Etsy or eBay, sign up for my email newsletter for notifications of new listings-
Smocked dresses for 18 inch dolls
Just a few more doll dresses from silk
Dupioni silk is becoming one of my favorite fabrics to work with. The jewel tones are wonderful and the finished dresses are stunning. Here's a few more of my recent creations and found on eBay or Etsy when available. Join my email newsletter for updated notices of new listings.
More Dupioni silk Little Darling dresses
Dupioni silk is available in an array of beautiful colors. Choosing the right one for the little dolls takes some thought. The dark colors can present a problem of dye transfer to the doll. In these cases the slip is a necessity and in some cases lining the dress with a lighter color is advisable. Here's a few more dresses I fashioned from this wonderful fabric. Found on eBay or Etsy. When opening my eBay shop you will see my ACEO prints available but one of my special silk dresses is listed here from time to time. For updated notice of listing please join my email newsletter here.
Dupioni silk Little Darling dresses
I began making Little Darling dresses out of Dupioni silk two years ago. This silk is fun to work with after one seals all the rough edges of the fabric. It unravels maddeningly but once controlled it goes together well. The grain line also is important to plan as it affects the lay of the skirt or sleeve. Dupioni silk is a tightly woven fabric with a highly lustrous surface dotted with the characteristic slub. Here's a few I sold on my Etsy or eBay shop in 2023 (when you visit this site my ACEO prints are listed for sale but the Dianna Effner Little Darling doll dresses show up as an auction every few weeks) :
Special series of Heirloom doll dresses
I have been adding to a series started this year of one of a kind (OOAK) Heirloom sewn doll dresses. These fit the Little Darling doll by Dianna Effner. Some of them featuring French hand sewing by machine, vintage lace, embroidery and smocking.
Fabric gift card bags
These little gift bags make giving a gift card even more special.